Program of Social Services

The purpose of the social services program; to ensure the training of qualified intermediate staff needed in the field of social service practices carried out in public, private and non-governmental organizations.Social services program graduates, working in cooperation with professional staff working in the field of social services; they aim to solve the problems of the individual, family and society and to eliminate the inequalities of opportunity, income distribution and injustices in today`s societies.

Students who graduate from this program; they can work as Social Services Assistant Staff in institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Family and Social Policies (provincial/district directorates, social service centers, kindergartens, love houses, children`s homes, care and rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, elderly care rehabilitation centers, etc.), in public and private hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health, in guidance research centers affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, in special education and rehabilitation centers, kindergartens and day care centers, in Institutions and Organizations Affiliated to the Ministry of Justice and Prison and Probation Units, in Provincial and District Municipalities, Credit and Dormitories Directorate.

Students who graduate from this program can continue their Social Services and Sociology undergraduate education with the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS). Students who have a bachelor`s degree can continue their master`s and doctoral education.